• Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

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  • Dorset Social Group Reaches 13,000 Members, Helping Adults Connect Post-Pandemic

Dorset Social Group Reaches 13,000 Members, Helping Adults Connect Post-Pandemic

“Take The Plunge” In a response to the social isolation brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Dorset 20’s and 30’s Social Group (DSG) has rapidly grown into a vibrant…

Poole Man Caught On Video Squaring Up To Bullies

A video has gone viral after a man was seen confronting a group of youths. According to the video the youngsters had caused a disturbance at a property. The owner…

Discussion: Should Social media companies be held responsible for deaths from viral trends?

Last night, a 12-year-old boy named Archie Battersbee died after having his life support turned off. Archie had tried a new TikTok trend which landed him in hospital after being…