• Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

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Over 51 MP’s Have Quit Government With More Expected to Quit

We have a list of ministers who have quit within the 48 hours since Rishi Sunak and Savid Javid handed in their resignations. Boris Johnson has also recently sacked Levelling…

Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Sajid Javid Both Resign From Government

The Chancellor, the most senior politician after the Prime Minister, and the Secretary of Health said they could no longer support Boris Johnson after claiming he was unaware of the…

Dorset County Hospital Reintroduce The Mandatory Wearing Of Face Coverings For All Visitors.

A statement released By Dorset County Hospital: 1st July 2022 **IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING FACE MASK GUIDANCE AT DORSET COUNTY HOSPITAL** Due to the rising numbers of COVID cases in the…

Snapchat Update Allows Other Users To Track Your Location With Directions

Snapchat is adding a new location-sharing feature as it looks to build up its safety features. The app is introducing live location sharing, which allows users to share their exact…

K-9 Rescue Drama For Dorset Fire’s Green Watch

Dorset Fire’s Green watch from Weymouth fire station, had an exciting start to their shift this evening. After receiving a call to help 11-month-old Black Labrador Luna. In Wyke Weymouth.…

Air Ambulance Responds to Medical Incident In Weymouth

An Air Ambulance was deployed and was spotted over Kimmeridge Close in Weymouth. More information of the Incident is still to be established. “A spokesperson for the South Western Ambulance…

BT Plc / OPENREACH Employees Vote YES On Industrial Action Ballot

The Communications Worker Union (CWU) held a Press briefing today, Thursday 30th June 2022. The CWU balloted their members after talks over pay broke down. The CWU held 3 ballots,…

Woman in 50’s Raped In Poole

Detectives investigating the rape of a woman in Wimborne are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to come forward. Dorset Police received a report that a woman aged in…

Excitement Builds As Boots In Weymouth Opens On Wednesday

Excitement is building upon the opening of the new Boots store in Weymouth as the opening date looms on the 22nd of June. The new boots store has replaced the…

Volunteers Illuminate AONB Maiden Castle

Green Space Dark Skies commissioned by UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK, held the illuminating event at the AONB (Area Of Natural Beauty) Site, Maiden Castle Dorchester yesterday Saturday 11th June.…